Knud Knudsen
Tysklands lange vej mod vesten En introduktion til Heinrich August Winklers forfatterskab

I 2000 udkom den tyske historiker Heinrich August Winklers Der lange Weg nach Westen i to bind, det første om den tyske historie fra omkring 1800 til Hitlers udnævnelse til kansler i 1933, det andet om tiden fra Det Tredje Rige til genforeningen i 1990. Winkler tilhører en generation af tyske historikere, for hvem sigtepunktet var ’katastrofen’ 1933-45. Med genforeningen i 1990 tilføjedes endnu et historisk sigtepunkt. Winkler ser genforeningen som afslutningen på en lang historisk udvikling frem imod, at Tyskland kunne finde sin plads som en normal suveræn stat i Europa. Værket gjorde Winkler kendt ud over Tysklands grænser, og siden har han publiceret en imponerende række af bøger om Tysklands og Vestens historie.


Knud Knudsen
Germany’s Long Way Towards the West – an introduction to the writings of Heinrich August Winkler

In 2000, the German historian Heinrich August Winkler’s two volume book Der lange Weg nach Westen (The Long Way Towards the West) was published. The first volume is about the German history from about 1800 till the appointment of Hitler as chancellor in 1933, the other one is about the age from The Third Reich till the Reunification of 1990. Winkler (born 1938) is belonging to that generation of German historians for whom the ‘disaster’ 1933-1945 was the point of aim. Another point of aim was added with the Reunification in 1990. Winkler regards the Reunification as the end of a long historical development towards Germany finally finding her place as a normal, sovereign state in Europe. Winkler obtained an international renown through this book and he has ever since published an impressive number of books about the history ag Germany and of the West.